Wednesday, October 22, 2014


My initial storyboard would be similar to Imagine Dragons' Radioactive music video, wherein the narrative of the film is centred around a fight which ensues between two puppet creatures, surrounded by a crowd baying for blood in a cock fight set-up. However in my video, it would be one of the masked band members fighting with the puppet: Making the video silly, but also showing the band member to be lesser than or equal to a puppet after they lose the fight.
I scrapped this idea and focused on what I had, and what was possible: I had puppets, miniature instruments and access to a camera. Therefore, I wished to simplify the video into something similar to THRASH OR DIE's music video, wherein the puppet versions of the band are seen performing an lip syncing their song with plenty of quick cuts in between to keep things interesting. I have decided to scrap the narrative and make it solely performance based, as is seen with a majority of punk videos due to the fact that MVs cost money and are funded by the record labels, who may be seen as "The man" by the performing artists.

I also had the idea of redesigning the set and making it more politically fuelled, but settled on using the same set as I had used with my actors in the shed. After that, I re-listened to the lyrics of the song and drew what I thought would occur alongside the lyrics, which I will try to include if the puppet's performance gets too repetitive.

Last but not least is the finished (albeit, messy) storyboard: I have written nothing in the boxes and have visually drawn which camera angles I wished and was able to include--which is basically a variety of mid-shots and close-ups, with the puppeteer's hand cut out of the screen.
I also added a very small bit of narration: The puppets will be seen walking down a street and entering the 'set' before beginning to play.
The rest of the magic will occur in the editing process.

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