Saturday, September 20, 2014

Band Image

 As is common with quite a lot of (Pop) Punk bands - and to be fair, quite a few other bands in various genres - they are given a gimmick or a style that they are known for.

A famous example of exploiting the band's star image comes from My Chemical Romance, who, with every different album, used to come up with a
different 'Look'.
In their Black Parade album, the band were frequently seen on tour wearing black and white military uniforms, heavy eye liner - and the lead singer dyed his hair white, whereas most of the others kept with their dyed hairdos. 
In the Killjoy album, the bnad changed their look once more into that of pop-art-americana-superheores, who donned face masks and scarves - and created a world which seemed to be a cross between Mad Max and Guardians of the Galaxy. They has names such as "Cobra Kid" and "Party Poison" - and generally took a step away from the previous monochrome look. Yet again, most of the band members have re-dyed their hair into something a little more modern.
Bands such as Daft Punk and Slipknot have a more prolonged image than My Chemical; their masks and unique sounds cement them in the minds of their listeners and they are not the easiest to forget: Given that one band are supposedly robots, and the other look like something from Marilyn Manson's night terrors. Needless to say, this has given me a lot of ideas about band "Macro Friends", and the more "artistic" direction that I will send them down.

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