Sunday, September 7, 2014

flobots | circle in the square

Flobots are an indie hip hop bad who originally hail from Denver, Colorado. The band formed in 2000 but only gained real success after their single "Handlebars" became a mainstream hit in 2008.

Indie Hip hop (or conscious rap) is a term used for bands within the hip hop genre who operate out of the mainstream. The lyrics are socially conscious and anti-commercial; the artists will focus on global issues such as racism, politics and war. This ties in nicely with the "be who you want to be" lyrics sung in an equally aggressive manner in my unknown song.

  • Thought beats: The music is upbeat and aggressive, akin to the unknown song and various other examples on this blog. The singer's delivery of each syllable is clear and tinged with a Blookyn accent; American. Guitars as well as violins are used; these instruments are common in rock genres and are also versatile in painting a picture. The low, thumping strums of the bass at the beginning tells the audience that this song means business, but more experimental, high-pitched guitars and instruments later on catch the ear as something different.
  • Narrative & Performance: Initial shot: man with buckets of powder paint. Different shots of the location: broken wood and bits of junk Band playing, paint powder explosions. Jump cuts in key to the beats of music. Man stacking shelves, paint spots on him and can. Sam with courier covered in paint. Spear of paint on music notes. Teacher leaving colour. Kid covered in paint gets beaten up. Rioters in masks running, riot squad grazing truncheon against gate. People smearing 'warpaint', ready to take on rioters. Powder chucked into the air. Paint fight. Cuts to the band playing and rioters fighting. Riot squad begins to enjoy themselves, takes off visors. Microphone drops.
  • Star Image: The band are seem throughout the music video performing live.
  • Relation of Visuals to Song: The impact of the paint powder coincides with the drumbeats, as well as the banging of the swat team's batons against their riot shields.
  • Technical Aspects of Video: Other than the cut cuts of the camera angles, very little editing has been used in the film; the mise en scene has been easily achieved with settings varying from supermarkets to abandoned warehouses. The attire is casual, but can easily identify certain types of social groups i.e., the police with their uniforms and muslim women with their headscarfs.

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