Blues Rock can also be referred to as Southern Rock, Country and Americana: Twelve Bar Blues and extended guitar solos are popular in these genre; clear roots can be found in New Orleans, California and the South.
- Thought beats: The music has a steady but changing melody. The heavy use of drums and guitars identifies the genre as rock; other more experimental sounds are used; the time signatures are not offbeat, the the jolty used of different tempos make for an interesting listen.
- Narrative & Performance: They do no look at the cameras once, which may make the audience feel as though they are watching a short movie. The narrative is both abstract and story-based. One gets the feeling that this is how all arguments between couples should be resolved - or it's at least how it feels as the tear tear into one another with sub-machine guns.
- Star Image: Jack White and Alisson Mosshart are the two front men and women of the band; therefore, they feature in the video as a duelling couple.
- Relation of Visuals to Song: At the beginning of the music video, there is a shot of a spinning bomb with its tip sparkling. As the bomb spins fast, the music's volume increases. The two lead singers are [aptly] singing the lyrics at one another in a confrontational fashion.
- Technical Aspects of Video: Most of the music video is filmed using an extended tracking shot. Other technical specs include the computer generated gun blasts and bullet holes that actually shine like through the two singers.
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